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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Why O Anger, Why?

Let your gentleness be evident to all (Philippians 4:5).
Sometimes many of us might battle with the question “Is this right, or is this wrong”, and in many cases, we try to fit the Bible into our lifestyles, instead of the other way round. Don’t worry; many of us are guilty of it. The truth is that the whole Bible should be applied to our lives, and not just specific portions which might sound easy to do, or cool. We tend to neglect the ones which might seem hard.
An example is Anger. What is anger? It is an emotion according to one’s own perception of what might cause displeasure and outrage. Who gets angry? We all do. However, what is important is how we control our anger.

Perhaps I should tell you about my anger. I am not one to get angry easily; however, when I do, it must have been a reaction to something extremely outrageous. Before my understanding of the Gospel, when I reached that helpless state of anger, I would lash out without a care; but, in this day, when I notice I start to get angry at something, I take my leave or end whatever interactions/conversations that might be ensuing. When I get angry, I get upset at myself. Although I know, anger is something that is experienced by everyone; it’s not something that has to be. Our approach to things of life can greatly affect our emotions towards them.

“I remember once, I was talking with someone about the state of the Church in America, and how the person hadn’t been to Church since he make to America. People, he’s been in the USA for about 6 years now, and he didn’t go to Church because the first few he went to weren’t just it. According to him, it demoralized him, and I can’t say he’s currently walking in Christ (but who am I to judge). The conversation went on for about an hour and all he had to say were negatives, negatives and more negatives. I felt very offended because although I did have to look for a church till I finally found one, I did!  He wouldn’t stop talking, wouldn’t even listen to me and kept complaining I wasn’t listening to him. I couldn’t continue the conversation anymore. I walked out. He told me that God hates it when people walk out on conversations about Him. Really?  ”

I really felt bad for the rest of the night for letting myself get angry. Even though I knew he was wrong in all he said, I called him to apologize. I didn’t apologize for what I said; I only apologized for getting angry at him. It wasn’t easy, especially since I knew deep down that all I had said was right and he was wrong.

I could have definitely classified my anger as righteous anger, but even in the Bible, it says that we must always exercise self-control. Our concern should be others, just as God’s concern is us. Remember also that sometimes when we’re angry, we tend to say things we don’t necessarily mean.

(Side comment: when people tell me they didn’t mean what they said, I usually tell them they do, that it was their subconscious talking. All in good humor)

You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, "Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment." But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment ... first go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift (Matthew 5:21-24)
Humor of the Day:
Husband to wife: When I get mad at you, you never fight back. How do you control your anger?
Wife: I clean the toilet bowl.
Husband: How does that help?
Wife: I use your toothbrush.

What are your Thoughts?

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